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Ohio Football
Topic:  Teenth anniversary of the Phantom Safety

Topic:  Teenth anniversary of the Phantom Safety
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  Message Not Read  Teenth anniversary of the Phantom Safety
   Posted: 10/14/2023 1:59:37 PM 
Nov 5th is the 10th anniversary of the Phantom Safety called against Tyler Tettleton at Buffalo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ThmG5KSpP0

It was significant for two reasons. First, it sent Ohio into a tailspin that probably cost them the division title. Ohio was 3-1 in the MAC going into that game, but finished 4-4 after badly losing consecutive games vs Buffalo, BG and Kent. Second, it caused an NCAA rule change. At the time, for some stupid reason safeties were reviewable plays, so the call could not be reversed by the review official. After that game, the NCAA quickly adopted a rule that ALL scoring plays are reviewable.

We're at Buffalo on Nov 7th. I wonder if Tom McCabe (is he still around?) and T2 will be there to re-enact one of the biggest officiating blunders in football history.

Last Edited: 10/14/2023 2:20:10 PM by Pataskala

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