This is Siberia, right? Thank you, Ohio, for putting Rick Santorum to the fore, thereby substantially boosting Barry Obama's prospects. Politics is really something these days. Santorum is so far to the right that it's amazing he's sorta considered near the middle. Can't believe that the teas etc are so dominant in the Republican party that the Republicans will end up with an extreme, extreme candidate such that independents won't buy it, likely leaving the Republicans at a loss (Congress too?) in a year in which Obama seems vulnerable. Of course, it's 98% about the economy. But for the Republicans to nominate an extreme candidate who's just not electable? Ideology is nice. But it would seem that winning the White House would be a higher priority. Maybe I'll be proven very incorrect but I'm amazed that Republicans will go extreme after the lessons of Goldwater, McCain, etc.
Maybe I'll be proven very incorrect but I'm amazed that Republicans will go extreme after the lessons of Goldwater, McCain, etc.
TIming of $5 gas may matter. If it hits in April, is the anger still caustic in November? Obama is somewhat teflon, also. Might there be a backlash against the anger of the 'out' party? The emotion of anger is not a good approach to governance. Will anger resonate with independents or will it repel them?
Last Edited: 2/22/2012 11:47:24 PM by OhioCatFan
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