I find it hard/impossible to believe that all necessary resources to perform this competition aren't already in place.
This is just another little boy stunt in the same vein of no White House tours during Sequestration.
From the Miami Herald (though I initially saw it in a tweet from Paul Myerberg) "[Boston College Athletic Director] Bates says BC has offered financial assistance to Army for travel to the game, but officials at the U.S. Military Academy have told BC that "this is not solely a financial decision." " http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/02/3665029/decision-on-bc-army-afa-navy-games.html
Last Edited: 10/2/2013 2:40:03 PM by DayvidGallagher
“We could run our entire athletics program and conduct events as we always do without any government funds,” Gladchuk said. “In talking to the Air Force athletic director, their football team could execute the trip without government funding.”
Asked why the Department of Defense was suspending intercollegiate athletic contests if government funds are not required, Gladchuk said he was told it was about “optics.”
"A Pentagon spokesman, Army Col. Steve Warren, said Tuesday that the decision was being reviewed by lawyers to determine whether the funds used for such activities are congressionally appropriated." As a lawyer, let me say that lawyers have no place in deciding whether to play a football game, because we can always find a justification not to do something, and we are perfect scapegoats for any blame when said thing does not get done. JUST PLAY THE DAMN GAME. THERE WILL BE NO CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS AS A RESULT, AND IF THERE IS, WE'RE ALREADY BEYOND THE POINT OF NO RETURN.
Last Edited: 10/2/2013 4:23:57 PM by C Money
Last Edited: 10/2/2013 6:50:59 PM by Robert Fox
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